Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My son, Jonathan, challenged me to post "negative" comments about Republicans. This is a challenge, given that there isn't a "face" of the Republican party, as Pres. Obama is the "face" for the Democrats, the current administration, and the majorities in both the House and the Senate. Since the Republicans aren't in charge, and don't have consistent voice, the only thing I could comment on are individual political views, which are quite varied - not very productive. It would be like focusing soley on the personalities of Sen. Reed or Rep. Pelosi.

As so many do, I could focus on individual foibles, such as "crib notes written on the hand", the prolific use of "I" in speaches, but I these critiques are pointless. As is so common in the press, Michele Obama was asked to comment on Sarah Palin, to which she responded, "I don't know her." It is nice to see a class act, rather than for her to take a cheap shot.

I try to live by the principle stated in Matthew 5:22 - "But whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire". I have found that even those that we (or the media) label as "stupid" or "idiot" often see things that we can't, as we are blinded by our pride.

Another principle that I try to live by: It is better to become right rather than be "right".

The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article, entitled "Cheney's Revenge":


Blogger Adrienne said...

I don't think Jonathan is going to like your post, but perhaps he will like it simply because it is a very 'Dad' response. I would expect nothing less. The article you included was very interesting. On a completely different note, I might just start calling you Par. Maybe you should post about Lark Rise.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

That is funny, in your critique of the republicans you managed to NOT critique the republicans and still take shots at liberals who try to figure out why divisive and fear mongering figures like Sarah Palin are so protected by conservatives. I'm disappointed that you took the easy way out by saying there isn't a face of the republican party. Choose one. Michael Steele, Rush, Palin, McCain. While there are many options for the face of the party they all manage to use the same talking points. How could we put terrorists on trial in NYC? Well we have tried over 350 terrorists in our courts to date and it seems to work out fine. Conservatives want them to be labeled enemy combatants and not criminals so they can keep justifying the wars that we find ourselves in. How could we read the underwear bomber his miranda rights? There was no outrage when the shoe bomber was read his. You sent me an article about how condescending liberals have become. It's difficult not to be when conservatives choose people to represent them who simply read a "Liberty, Freedom and Energy Policy Mad Lib" for their speeches.
I was hoping you would take the opportunity to offer fair criticisms of the conservative movement as you are so apt do comment on liberals. You said yourself that both parties are full of hypocrites who act solely to maintain their political leverage. Maybe next time you post a criticism of conservatives you will actually criticize them.

6:46 AM  

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